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All year round challenge: B from Beaver

We Love Cozy : All year round challenge: B from Beaver

woensdag 13 januari 2016

All year round challenge: B from Beaver

Okay so we did the A from Alligator. Which came up as a draft strip, see post here.
Now it's time for the B, this time I came up with a hat, which is frankly my all time favorite thing to design! And this one was finished really fast!

>>>Click here for Dutch<<<

Meet the B from Beaver!!!

Beaver hat free pattern

Isn't this the cutest you have ever seen?? My boy wanted to keep it and leave it on his head the whole day!

Well, you can jump through the roof, because I will share this pattern for FREE!


• Yarn
Colors: brown 50 - 100 grams
Small amount of light brown, black and white
• Fiberfill for filling
• Hook size H,  5 mm
• Tapestry needle


4 x 4 inch = 12 stitches x 8 rows


Chain - ch
Slipstitch - slst
Single crochet - Sc
Half double crochet - hdc
Double crochet - Dc
Triple crochet -  trc
Increase - incr
2 half double crochet together: 2hdctog

Other info

  1. Always start with a double crochet in the same stitch as the chain 2.
  2. When increasing always end in the same stitch as chain 2. 
  3. Never count the chain 2 as first double crochet. 
  4. Always slip stitch in the first double crochet, not in the chain 2.

Questions & Answers

Q: How to make a magic ring? 
A: Click here for the video. 

Q: How to decrease invicible? 
A: Put the hook through the front loop of the first 2 stitches and work your stitch like normal. 


Size pre schooler

With white 
Round 1: Crochet  11 dc in a magic ring. ch 2.
Round 2: 2 dc in elk dc (22 st), ch 2.
Round 3: 2 dc in 1st stitch 1 dc in next, repeat  to end  (33 st), ch 2.
Round 4: 2 dc in 1st stitch, 1 in the next 2, repeat  to end  (44 st), ch 2.
Round 5: 2 dc in 1st stitch, 1 in the next 10, repeat  to end  (48 st), ch 2.
Round 6: 2 dc in 1st stitch, 1 in next 11, repeat  to end  (52 st), ch 2.
Round 7: 2 dc in 1st stitch, 1 in next 12, repeat  to end  (56 st) ch 2.
Round 8: 2 dc in 1st stitch, 1 in next 13, repeat  to end  (60 st), ch 2.
Round 9 – 13: 1 dc in each  stitch (60 st), ch 2.
Don’t bind off but follow pattern at earflap.

Size child

With white 
Round 1: Crochet  11 dc in a magic ring. ch 2.
Round 2: 2 dc in elk dc (22 st), ch 2.
Round 3: 2 dc in 1st stitch 1 dc in next, repeat  to end  (33 st), ch 2.
Round 4: 2 dc in 1st stitch, 1 in the next 2, repeat  to end  (44 st), ch 2.
Round 5: 2 dc in 1st stitch, 1 in the next 10, repeat  to end  (48 st), ch 2.
Round 6: 2 dc in 1st stitch, 1 in next 11, repeat  to end  (52 st), ch 2.
Round 7: 2 dc in 1st stitch, 1 in next 12, repeat  to end  (56 st) ch 2.
Round 8: 2 dc in 1st stitch, 1 in next 13, repeat  to end  (60 st), ch 2.
Round 9: 2 dc in 1st stitch, 1 in next 14, repeat  to end  (64 st), ch 2.
Round 10 – 14: 1 dc in each  stitch (64 st), ch 2.
Don’t bind off but follow pattern at earflap.

Size teenager / small adult

With white 
Round 1: Crochet  11 dc in a magic ring. ch 2.
Round 2: 2 dc in elk dc (22 st), ch 2.
Round 3: 2 dc in 1st stitch 1 dc in next, repeat  to end  (33 st), ch 2.
Round 4: 2 dc in 1st stitch, 1 in the next 2, repeat  to end  (44 st), ch 2.
Round 5: 2 dc in 1st stitch, 1 in the next 10, repeat  to end  (48 st), ch 2.
Round 6: 2 dc in 1st stitch, 1 in next 11, repeat  to end  (52 st), ch 2.
Round 7: 2 dc in 1st stitch, 1 in next 12, repeat  to end  (56 st) ch 2.
Round 8: 2 dc in 1st stitch, 1 in next 13, repeat  to end  (60 st), ch 2.
Round 9: 2 dc in 1st stitch, 1 in next 14, repeat  to end  (64 st), ch 2.
Round 10: 2 dc in 1st stitch, 1 in next 15, repeat  to end  (68 st), ch 2.
Round 11 – 15: 1 dc in each  stitch (68 st), ch 2.
Don’t bind off but follow pattern at earflap.

Size adult xl

With white 
Round 1: Crochet  11 dc in a magic ring. ch 2.
Round 2: 2 dc in elk dc (22 st), ch 2.
Round 3: 2 dc in 1st stitch 1 dc in next, repeat  to end  (33 st), ch 2.
Round 4: 2 dc in 1st stitch, 1 in the next 2, repeat  to end  (44 st), ch 2.
Round 5: 2 dc in 1st stitch, 1 in the next 10, repeat  to end  (48 st), ch 2.
Round 6: 2 dc in 1st stitch, 1 in next 11, repeat  to end  (52 st), ch 2.
Round 7: 2 dc in 1st stitch, 1 in next 12, repeat  to end  (56 st) ch 2.
Round 8: 2 dc in 1st stitch, 1 in next 13, repeat  to end  (60 st), ch 2.
Round 9: 2 dc in 1st stitch, 1 in next 14, repeat  to end  (64 st), ch 2.
Round 10: 2 dc in 1st stitch, 1 in next 15, repeat  to end  (68 st), ch 2.
Round 11: 2 dc in 1st stitch, 1 in next 16, repeat  to end  (72 st), ch 2.
Round 12 – 16: 1 dc in each  stitch (72 st), ch 2.

Don’t bind off but follow pattern at earflap.

Earflap pre schooler

Earflap 1

Row 1: 10 hdc , ch 2, turn
Row 2: 2hdctog, 1 hdc in next 6, 2hdctog, ch 2, turn
Row 3: 8 hdc , ch 2, turn.
Row 4: 2hdctog, 1 hdc in next 4, 2hdctog, ch 2, turn
Row 5: 6 hdc , ch 2, turn
Row 6: 2hdctog, 1 hdc in next 2, 2hdctog, ch 2, turn
Row 7: 2hdctog, 2hdctog, ch 2, turn
Row 8: 2hdctog, bind off.

Earflap 2

Count 19 stitches on the front 
Row 1: join yarn and ch 2, 10 hdc , ch 2, turn
Row 2: 2hdctog, 1 hdc in next 6, 2hdctog, ch 2, turn
Row 3: 8 hdc , ch 2, turn.
Row 4: 2hdctog, 1 hdc in next 4, 2hdctog, ch 2, turn
Row 5: 6 hdc , ch 2, turn
Row 6: 2hdctog, 1 hdc in next 2, 2hdctog, ch 2, turn
Row 7: 2hdctog, 2hdctog, ch 2, turn
Row 8: 2hdctog, ch 1, turn and sc 1 time across the hat with the dark brown and 1 time with the light brown.

Earflap for child to adult xl

Earflap 1

Row 1: 12 hdc , ch 2, turn

Row 2: 2hdctog, 1 hdc in next 8, 2hdctog, ch 2, turn
Row 3: 10 hdc , ch 2, turn
Row 4: 2hdctog, 1 hdc in next 6, 2hdctog, ch 2, turn
Row 5: 8 hdc , ch 2, turn.
Row 6: 2hdctog, 1 hdc in next 4, 2hdctog, ch 2, turn
Row 7: 6 hdc , ch 2, turn
Row 8: 2hdctog, 1 hdc in next 2, 2hdctog, ch 2, turn
Row 9: 2hdctog, 2hdctog, ch 2, turn
Row 10: 2hdctog, bind off.

Earflap 2

Count 22 stitches to the front  for  child and 25 stitches for the adult xl
Row 1: Join yarn and ch 2, 12 hdc , ch 2, turn
Row 2: 2hdctog, 1 hdc in next 8, 2hdctog, ch 2, turn
Row 3: 10 hdc , ch 2, turn
Row 4: 2hdctog, 1 hdc in next 6, 2hdctog, ch 2, turn
Row 5: 8 hdc , ch 2, turn.
Row 6: 2hdctog, 1 hdc in next 4, 2hdctog, ch 2, turn
Row 7: 6 hdc , ch 2, turn
Row 8: 2hdctog, 1 hdc in next 2, 2hdctog, ch 2, turn
Row 9: 2hdctog, 2hdctog, ch 2, turn
Row 10: 2hdctog, ch 1, turn and sc 1 time across the hat with the dark brown and 1 time with the light brown.


Ch 5, 1 sc in 2nd ch from hook, *1 sc in each st, ch, turn* repeat 5 rows.

Sew the teeth right in the middle of te hat, it's okay if it goes a little bit over the edge.


(actually, I really have no clue how to call them)
With light brown
Ch 22
Row 1: 1 hdc in 3th ch from hook, hdc across (20 st) , ch 2, turn.
Row 2: 2hdctog, 16 hdc, 2hdctog (18 st), ch 2, turn.
Row 3: 2hdctog, 14 hdc, 2hdctog (16 st) , ch 2, turn.
Row 4: 2hdctog, 12 hdc, 2hdctog (14 st), ch 2, turn.
Row 5: 2hdctog, 10 hdc, 2hdctog (12 st), ch 1 and sc around the cheeks, bind off leaving a long tail.

Sew the cheeks right above the teeth, overlapsing a little, make sure you stuff the cheeks a little while closing.


With black
Ch 7
Row 1: 1 sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc across (6 st), ch 1, turn. 
Row 2: sc across (6 st), ch 1, turn. 
Row 3: 2sctog, 2 sc, 2sctog (4 st), ch 1, turn. 
Row 4: 2sctog, 2sctog (2 st), ch 1, turn. 
Row 5: 2sctog, ch 1 and sc across the none, bind off leaving a long tail.

Sew the nose with the lower part over the cheeks and the upper part a little but on to the hat.

With the long tail embroider a stripe from the none, over the cheeks and over the teeth. Bind off.

You can choose to add some whiskers, I chose not to because I think it looks cute already!


Make 2
With white
Round 1: 6 sc in a magic ring.
Round 2: ch 1, 2 sc in every st (12 st), bind off. 

With black 
Round 1: 6 sc in a magic ring, bind off. 

Sew the eyes 1 row above the cheeks on to the hat leaving 3 stitches between them.


Make 2 out of every color
With light brown and dark brown
Round 1: 6 sc in a magic ring, ch 1, turn. 
Round 2: 1 sc in the same st as ch 1, 2 sc in the next 4 st, 1 in the last st (10 st), bind the light brown color off, leave the dark brown on the hook. 

Now put the light brown half circle on to the dark brown on your hook en crochet through both color. 

Round 3: *1 sc, 2 sc in same st* repeat to end and bind of leaving a long tail. 

Sew the ears in the 3th row from the middle of the hat. 

Beaver tail

Ch 16
Row 1: hdc in 3th ch from hook, hdc across (14 st), ch 2, turn. 
Row 2: 2 hdc in first st, 12 hdc, 2 hdc in last st (16 st), ch 2, turn. 
Row 3: 2 hdc in first st, 14 hdc, 2 hdc in last st (18 st), ch 2, turn. 
Row 4: 18 hdc across, ch 2, turn. 
Row 5: 2 hdc in first st, 16 hdc, 2 hdc in last st (20 st), ch 2, turn. 
Row 6 - 9: 20 hdc across, ch 2, turn. 
Row 10: 2hdctog, 16 hdc, 2hdctog (18 st), ch 2, turn. 
Row 11: 2hdctog, 14 hdc, 2hdctog (16 st), ch 2, turn. 
Row 12: 2hdctog, 12 hdc, 2hdctog (14 st), ch 2, turn. 
Row 13: 2hdctog, 10 hdc, 2hdctog (12 st), ch 2, turn. 
Row 14: 2hdctog, 8 hdc, 2hdctog (10 st), ch 2, turn. 
Row 15: 2hdctog, 6 hdc, 2hdctog (8 st), ch 1 and sc across the tail. 
Holding the tail upside down, join with white on the right side of the tail and sc across to the left side of the tail. 

Now sew the tail on to the hat right between the earflaps. 

Braided tails

With dark brown, light brown and white. 
Cut 16 straps of each color about 16 inch (40 cm)  and split the colors in 2.
Grap with a bigger hook the straps from the inside out on the earflap (see image) and pull through the earflap, now pull the ends of the straps through the loop and pull.
Sort the colors, make a braid en knot the ends. Cut even.

And you did it! A super cute beaver hat is in the pocket!! 

When you have made a hat with this pattern please put a link to this blog when you publish it on social media. 
Please do not publish this pattern as your own, I put a lot of work in writing and translating it. 
When you sell a finished product please refer to ©We Love Cozy. 

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