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Free ninja turtle hat

We Love Cozy : Free ninja turtle hat

zondag 13 december 2015

Free ninja turtle hat

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Alright, it's almost christmas and maybe you already crocheted the Anna from Arendelle hat en stille searching for something for a boy?
Wel, i've got the perfect pattern right here!

  • Yarn in the color's green and blue, red, purple or orange for the bandana
  • Hook 5mm
  • Tapestry needle

4 x 4 inch = 12 stitches x 8 rows

This pattern is written for a child age 6 -  10 years. For a smaller or langerak you have to start the normal rounds earlier or later and finish a row earlier or later at the end. 

!. Important: always start and finish your round in the same stitch as the chain 2, this way you get a invisible seam. And never finish in the chain 2 but always in the first double crochet.! 

With green
We start with a magic ring, in the magic ring dc 11, join.
Round2: 2 dc in each st, ch2
Round3: *2 dc in first st, 1 dc in next*, ch2 (repeat between **)
Round4: *2 dc in first st, 1 dc in next 2 st*, ch2
Round5: *2 dc in first st, 1 in next 10 st*, ch 2
Round 6: *2 dc in first st, 1 in next 11 st*, ch 2
Round7: *2 dc in first st, 1 in next 12 st*, ch 2
Round8: *2 dc in first st, 1 in next 13 st*, ch 2
Round9: *2 dc in first st, 1 in next 14 st*, ch 2
Round10-13: 1 dc in each st around, ch 2, change color
Round14: in new color 1 dc in each st around, ch 2 
Round 15: dc in the next 20 st, ch7, skip next 7 st, dc in next 3 st, ch7, skip next 7 st, dc to the end, ch 2
Round 16: dc in each st around, ch 2, turn
Round 17: hdc in next 34 st, ch 2, turn
Round 18: single crochet in next 34 st, bind off. 

The flap you're created in round 17 + 18 has to fit exactly over the ears. So for other sizes you'll have to messure for ear to ear on the back of the head.

And voila, a super cool Turtle hat! 

Please do not copy my pattern, if you want to spread the pattern please link to my blog or Facebook page at 

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